The 19th Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation

The Office on Violence Against Women is a grant-making agency in the U.S. Department of Justice. Under §903 of Title IX of the United States Department of Justice Reauthorization and Violence Against Women Act of 2005 (VAWA 2005), OVW is responsible for conducting annual government-to-government consultations with the leaders of all Federally recognized Indian tribal governments on behalf of the United States Attorney General.

2023 OVW Consultation Photo

The purpose of each consultation is to solicit recommendations from tribal government leaders on the following topics:

  • Administering tribal funds and programs;
  • Enhancing the safety of Indian women from domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, homicide, stalking, and sex trafficking;
  • Strengthening the federal response to such crimes; and,
  • Improving access to local, regional, state, and federal crime information databases and criminal justice information systems.

Tribal Leader Invitation


Tribal Leader Caucus | November 18th

The National Congress of American Indian Task Force on Violence Against Women, the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center, and the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center invite tribal leaders, tribal designees, tribal representatives, and tribal coalitions to join a discussion on tribal priorities for the 19th Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation. The tribal caucus will occur from 6:00 – 8:00 PM on Monday, November 18th, at the Hilton Santa Fe Buffalo Thunder in Caldera Ballroom BThe tribal caucus is a closed event for tribal leaders, tribal designees, tribal representatives, and tribal coalitions. We ask that federal partners and the press do not attend this event.


BJA Government-to-Government Tribal Consultation | November 18th

The BJA Consultation will take place the day prior to the OVW's “19th Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation”. For information and/or to register for the BJA Consultation, click below.

 BJA Tribal Consultation


Sign up for updates regarding the 19th Annual Government-to-Government Tribal Consultation.